Join me as I explore the beaches, parks, and attractions surrounding Tampa Bay.
Fiddler Crab
White Pelican

I believe this is a willet, but don't hold me to it. With shorebirds it's sometimes difficult to tell.
I have used the features included in the Photoshop software to create a watercolor version of this photograph. If you click on the picture you can see a larger version of this photo.
Here's the original version:

Majesty in Motion

Green Heron

American Bald Eagle
This was the first picture.
After a few steps up the trail, this was the second one.

After re-positioning for an attempt at better lighting and an unobstructed view, here's the third one.

He's got his eyes on us.
Although we were very close to this magnificent symbol of America, it's relative when it comes to taking a nice photograph. The fourth photo is a much tighter crop. When the picture was taken, we were standing at least 50-60 yards away and the eagle was perched 40-50 feet above our position.
Little Blue Heron

These herons are plentiful on the beaches near our home, but I needed a longer lens to do this one justice. My 300 mm Tamron lens isn't quite long enough. My nephew has a 500 mm Sigma that would have brought this guy right into your living room. It's not in my budget right now, but there's always next year, right?
Osprey in Flight
Back Porch on Christmas Day